Wednesday, January 23, 2008

On The Ex, part ii

Tonight, the ex called. He was caught in a relationship quandary: he just broke up with one guy and went back to dating someone else from his past; each offers something that he wants but neither offers all that he is looking for. What is a boy to do?

Conflicted, he wanted me to help him think through things. With the fresh ex, he connected on an emotional level. They could talk for hours and feed off each other in so many ways. But this guy has no desire to have a career, to move up in the world and be able to buy nice things. The new boyfriend (who incidentally is a former boyfriend) has his career in line, his head on straight, and really cares about him. If he were to ask, the guy would go to the ends of the Earth for him. But there is that spark that's missing.

My advice to him: move on. Neither is right for you. "Come back to me," I jokingly tell him. I know our relationship is never going to go back to what it once was, but still, it was something funny to offer him because I already embody all the things he wants. But somehow, it's just never going to work out between the two of us.


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