Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Bowl Man

I was invited to a friend's place to watch the Big Game on his new HDTV. I was initially a little reluctant to come as his crowd tends to be not so exciting. But I went. And boy am I glad I did!

The food was good. The crowd interesting -- mostly females, breeders, and a few homos for flavor. And one of those homos sat next to me, leaned over to say hi. He had the most beautiful blue eyes! Dazzling! I have a thing for hot eyes. He also had this nerdy cute demeanor as well. I was smitten. But I tried not to let it show all night. I mean I'm at a football game! I'm there for the game. And Eli does look hot!

Nerdy Blue Eyes was rather charming. I sort-of-liked him. But true to form, I didn't give him my number or my email. Rather, I called my friend and try to find the back-story on him. Well I don't like the background on him as much as I thought. He's a successful business executive. But he's very inflexible with his routine. He works hard, goes to the gym, and then makes time for other things. In a dating relationship, the gym will take precedence over the boyfriend. I'm not sure I can deal with that.


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