Sunday, August 03, 2008

False Idols

It has been months since I have written in these pages. Part of me has been busy. Part of me has somewhat lost interest in blogging (like so many blogs out there). But I do continue to follow certain blogs in a not-so-daily basis.

Over the course of the past week, a controversy has erupted in the blogosphere over a fraudulent blog that I used to visit religiously and linked to at right: Cooper's Corridor. Joe at Joe.My.God, Will at DesignerBlog, and Father Tony at Farmboyz have already written extensively about it as well as Kate over at SweetSalty (there is more in the comments section of each of these posts that merits reading for the interested). In a nutshell, Cooper is an apparition and a plagiarist.

There is no need for me to express my disappointment or feeling of hurt in these pages. I have already experienced that and moved on. What strikes me though is that Nicky had a legion of followers. And why is that? For me, he was the ideal gay man. He had a beautiful heart; he did not attend the requisite gay scene; he loved his job; he loved his adopted children; he was comfortable in his own skin. And his writing was beautiful (albeit, some of the inspiration and actual text was stolen from her).


Blogger Will said...

It's strange how attached we got to Nicky. He was so real, the writing--which is all we had of him aside from a couple of pictures which were, of course, spurious--so compellingly beautiful. I still feel like I've lost a friend.

Thanks for the mention!

Sunday, 03 August, 2008  

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