Sunday, February 24, 2008

Time was Unkind

Today I randomly bumped into a fellow blogger I had met more than 4 years ago. At that point, he was a little hottie! He had the cutest tight little body; the most boyish face you could imagine; and a cute personality to boot. Today, he's got a gut bigger than mine, bags under his eyes, and lots of wrinkles everywhere. His hair is no longer funky cute. Man what happened?

We only exchanged some pleasantries and he went on his way. I have no idea what's changed in his life. I haven't followed his blog in a while. But I do know he has a really cute boyfriend.

At times like this, I'm thankful that I've always been on the slightly chunkier side. I mean it can't get any worse, right?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Return of the Lady

A coworker of mine recently left the company because she just didn't feel that her job would lead her anywhere. And her future roles and responsibilities did not look to improve. She took the plunge, found a new job. The company has now hired her back with a big promotion. I think it's great that she came back. She's truly amazing!

However, I must ponder this idea of running a company. We don't always promote the deserving until they frustrate and leave. And when they do, we pay more to hire them back. And some where along the line, that person has lost some time and energy looking for work outside. I think Bloomberg had it right with his policy of not hiring people back, always paying to keep people happy.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I have lots of people visiting my blog from around the world, but alas, no comments. I wish people would comment.

Some come to me via search engines for strange things like "my wife has menopause" to "sexy older men" to searches for other blogs I link to. There are a number of people who come from blog directories. A few simply type in my URL -- making me think I have some loyal followers out there. But I don't know. No one has emailed or commented.

Will someone please speak up?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

It's in the Stars!

It's in the stars; I'm destined to be single! According to my astrologer, I've got a number of areas pertaining to career all lit up. But alas, no love.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Bowl Man

I was invited to a friend's place to watch the Big Game on his new HDTV. I was initially a little reluctant to come as his crowd tends to be not so exciting. But I went. And boy am I glad I did!

The food was good. The crowd interesting -- mostly females, breeders, and a few homos for flavor. And one of those homos sat next to me, leaned over to say hi. He had the most beautiful blue eyes! Dazzling! I have a thing for hot eyes. He also had this nerdy cute demeanor as well. I was smitten. But I tried not to let it show all night. I mean I'm at a football game! I'm there for the game. And Eli does look hot!

Nerdy Blue Eyes was rather charming. I sort-of-liked him. But true to form, I didn't give him my number or my email. Rather, I called my friend and try to find the back-story on him. Well I don't like the background on him as much as I thought. He's a successful business executive. But he's very inflexible with his routine. He works hard, goes to the gym, and then makes time for other things. In a dating relationship, the gym will take precedence over the boyfriend. I'm not sure I can deal with that.