ABC has a new series called
Brothers & Sisters. I had largely ignored the show when it first started, but then word got out that one of the lead characters is
gay, and his potential boyfriend was just HOT, I figured why not watch for the eye candy. But now I'm hooked.
The show is great! And watching
tonight's drama unfold, I wished that my parents would have had more children. There is just myself and my baby brother. We're both gay. It's not a bad thing -- I think it's kinda lucky of us to have each other for support in that sense. But I wish we could have had a few more. (Yes, we could have had a 3rd sibling, but there was a miscarriage.)
In some senses, it would be fun to have another sibling to banter. It would be fun to have another sibling living in a totally different city to visit. It would be great to be able to move around the "parental care" responsibilities among three siblings.
I look at my father and his 3 sisters and sometimes wonder what it was like for him to have 3 sisters to communicate with when things get tough. But he's your classic alpha male -- quiet with bottled-up emotions. I look at my mother and her 6 siblings and their house-full of kids. She speaks to them all the time. I can certainly see which ones she gets along with when they are all together at the family reunions. And sometimes, I wonder if I would have enjoyed that experience. Don't get me wrong; I like the baby bro just fine, but what if...
Well it's too late for Mom to have any more kids. She's hit menopause. Yep, I had the misfortune of having to discuss life after menopause with her a few months past. Afterall, she has no daughters to talk to, and she doesn't visit the doctor regularly. In some ways, I'm glad that she and I can have that sort of intimate conversation. Now I am just waiting for my father to have the ED or prostate exam conversation with me. I mean why not? We're family and well my brother just gets squeemish when it comes to those topics.
As for me, do I want kids? Initially, I had the idea that I would perhaps have 1 or 2 children if my future husband wanted them. I love kids, but I know the responsibilities, and I know I'm not ready for them. Two would be the perfect number, enough to replace us when we're gone and not add to the population explosion. But now, I'm beginning to wonder if 2 is a mistake. I mean if you're going to dedicate your life to building a family with kids, you might as well leave them with a big network of family with which to draw their support when we're gone and also the ability to spread the responsibility of our care in the twilight years.
It's a tough question.